
Feature Friday | Building your product matrix

Today we’re going to talk about building a product matrix in Hello. Watch this video to see it in action.


Hey everyone it is feature Friday so I hope you’re ready to get going here! Today we’re going to talk about building a product matrix in Hello.

I’m here on the product page. I’ve already created a product. We do that in another video. Today we’re specifically talking about what happens when you have a bunch of variants and you need to create your product matrix out of those variants.

I’m already in the product, I’m going to come down here and click create product variants (the create product variants button), and I’m going to build my attribute groups.

First group is going to be called “color” and we have pink, we have purple, we have blue. OK, going to create that one. And we have another attribute group which is “size”. We’ll keep this easy. We’ll say we have small, medium, and large. And you can name your attribute groups however you want to name them. That could have been “sm”, “md”, “lg”, etc. You decide how that’s going to work.

“my entire grid is now available. I have every single shirt ready for me here.”

So now I have my two attribute groups. These things cost us sixteen bucks and we’re going to sell them for thirty three.

I’m going to hit the create button.

And you can see my entire grid is now available. I have every single shirt ready for me here. Let’s add some imagery here because this is the imagery that will show up on the website. And it shows up everywhere else in the product: cash registers, purchase orders, everything! So get your thumbnails in there so that this looks awesome.

Purple, purple, purple. I’m going to come in and snag my purple shirt (selecting variants). Let’s go pink, pink, pink. Grab my pink shirt. And finally the blues. I’m going to hop in and add my blue shirt.

So my matrix is totally set up. My images are here. And this is ready to go. You can see I have cost and price on every item. I can see from this product page everything I have on hand, everything I have on order, if there’s coupons running for any of these e variants, the SKU that’s system generated, I can add my UPCs in here. These will all be parts of other Feature Fridays. I just wanted to point that out really quickly since we’re here.

And so that’s it for today! Super easy to build this matrix as big and wide as you need it, add the images to it and get it tall ready to get posted on the web and everything else you need to do. Alright, we’ll catch you next time!

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