
Feature Friday | Cycle Counting (Inventory Adjustments)

Want to true up some inventory without closing the store? Welcome to inventory adjustments!


Hey there we are doing feature Friday on a Wednesday. Just because we can!  

Here we go. We’re going to talk about cycle counting inventory or making inventory adjustments to single items without ever closing your store or anything like that. Just making inventory adjustments.

I’m going to hop over to our product page. Let’s say I search for shoes and I can see the system is going to bring me back all of my shoe options.

The [product] cards come back. There is no associated data with the card because the system is just kind of generally bringing me back information.

“The trick I’m about to show you is how to really efficiently move through making inventory adjustments without ever having to come inside the product page like this.”

If I go into the product of course I can see everything about the product including the inventory on hand. 

The trick I’m about to show you is how to really efficiently move through making inventory adjustments without ever having to come inside the product page like this. Because in the product page I  can click my on hand quantities and I could make some adjustments here super easy.

But let’s say I don’t want to go into the product page. What I can do is I can scan the UPC. In this case I’m going to copy out the SKU, and if you scan that into the product search box, your card looks different. You’ll see you now have inventory quantities displayed on the card because the system knows exactly what you’re looking for.

It will display inventory quantities for anything that has ever had inventory attached to it. In this case this is my variant red number 9 which has had inventory attached to it, so it will bring back inventory counts. 

I can come in super simply and just make and adjustment. Well, there’s only seven. Negative one. “We believe a box was stolen.”

I don’t know. That’s pretty sad. But whatever. You can write whatever you want in the notes box. And hit adjust. The inventory is now seven . In your inventory reporting and in your inventory history report you can see how this item came to have a qty of seven today, including all of the notes associated with it. 

Just like that you can take a gun, you can scan areas, products, whatever to true up inventory without ever closing your store. Almost like cycle counting or just making inventory adjustments I suppose.

So that’s it. Pretty quick way to get some numbers all fixed up whenever you need to. OK, take it easy. We’ll catch you in the next one.

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