
Feature Friday | Live Chat

Connect with customers and increase conversion rates via live chat on your Hello eCommerce site. Watch this video to see it in action.


Hey everyone, it’s Feature Friday. Today we’re going to jump into the live chat feature in Hello. If I hop over to my e-commerce site, I have my chat window (icon) here. Let me show you how this works on the back end.

Hit your waffle menu and click on chat. This opens up your chat settings. You’ll see a dashboard right away which shows you your chat performance, all the activity that’s happening. Hit the three dots on the left, you’ll come to chat settings. This is where you tell the store how you want chat to behave. So we say: hey, let’s have it open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, we’re not here Fridays. But otherwise chat is on.

You can decide if you want it to be silent, if you want it to ding (audibly) when people chat with you. Here are the default things you’ll say to your students (welcome copy) as they start chatting with you. The settings are straightforward.

This is all connected real time. Let’s see, I can chat. “I have a question about hoodies”. I’m a new random customer here. The chat is bold, it’s at the top. I can open this chat. I can start chatting back and forth. “Hoodies are awesome”. And fire that off. And you know, I’m in a full chat with this customer.

“Just keep in mind the chat feature works and students will begin to use it. So, don’t fire up chat unless you plan on staffing it so you can actually have conversations..”

It’s really straightforward how it all flows in. You’re just handling chats like you would kind of expect to. Now, check it out. I’ll come back into my chat settings. Let’s say I want to turn chat off, I’m in an away moment, or I’m outside of the calendar. Here I can just toggle it off. And chat is gone from the e-commerce site. I can come back in here and enable it. Just kick it back on. And my chat icon is back. All real time. In this case I’m the customer so I’m chatting with myself. My chat is going to be saved until my session is ended. Anyway, super straightforward.

Live chat is a really cool way to engage with students. Just keep in mind the chat feature works and students will begin to use it. So, don’t fire up chat unless you plan on staffing it so you can actually have conversations. Because people do engage with it pretty well.

And it’s all housed right here in Hello. No third party plugins or anything like that. It’s just another part of the software. Another way you can kick butt helping your customers, helping your students get the most out of your bookstore.

We hope you like it! We’ll see you next time on Feature Friday!

We hope you like it! We’ll see you next time on Feature Friday!

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