
Feature Friday | Web Categories

See how easy it is to build, arrange, and manage web categories with Hello. Watch this video to see it in action.


Hey everybody it is Feature Friday!

Today we’re talking about web categories. Which is super fun. With the hello POS you get your e-commerce site. Comes with it out of the box. Fully integrated. Always real time. Super slick.

We get asked “how do you build your web categories?” And I want to show you. Apparently in other systems this can be a bit of a pain in the booty. So I want to show you how slick this is in Hello.

I’m going to come to the app drawer here, I’m going to go to the control room. You can find all the apps here in alphabetical order. I’m going to hop over to the control room. Tons of store setup happens in the control room. I’m going to come over to web categories.

Here are the current web categories. These are all the current web categories I have on the website. And their nested as class, category, subcategory. If I click apparel I have kids, mens, women’s. If click on men’s I’ve got pants, shirts, and shoes. I can come over to the website and see the same thing. If I click on apparel I have kid’s, men’s, and women’s. If I click on men’s I have pants, shirts and shoes. I can click on my shirts and narrow it down to just those. Looks like I have ten shirts In here.

So, pretty straightforward. Now, when it comes to building web categories that’s dead easy too. You can just add any category you want. Let’s say you’re going to take up gardening on the campus. Just add your gardening category in there. And then hop in and add your category and subcategory (after your class). Then you can decide whether or not you want to show it on the web.

So if I come back into apparel come to men’s, on all of my subcategories I can see that these all say show on web. And you can toggle that off if you ant to hide the category. Or toggle it back on if you want to see it.

OK, so building it is just like taking legos and snapping them together. It’s so easy to build web categories out for your website. And it reflects real time.

What’s also amazing here is that you can manage your products from the web categories.

So from here like in shirts for example, I can see I have ten shirts. I can click on these. And now I can see these ten shirts that are inside that web category.

“OK, so building it is just like taking legos and snapping them together. It’s so easy to build web categories out for your website. And it reflects real time..”

Think how amazing this is for a minute. Normally you’re at the product and you have to pick your web categories from there. And you certainly can do that when you set up products. But imagine this way now when you can build your web categories and come from the top and reach down and say “what do I want to exist inside my web category?” And this is exactly where we are.

So let’s say I have these ten shirts, let’s say I don’t want that Cal shirt to be in my web category. I can just come here and “woop” I can wipe it out. Let’s say that I also don’t want the Vanilla Ice word to your mother tee. “Woop” I can wipe that out. If I come back to the website the word to your mother tee is gone. And so is the cal state tee.

Now how do we get those back? Of course you could go to the products module and add them back. Or, right here from the web category you can search for the products. So word to your mother, “boom” I just added it back.

Let’s come back here (to the site) and we’ll see that word to your mother is back. There’s your word to your mother tee.

So web categories are super duper easy to use, maintain, to visualize, keep your website totally up to date and hot, exactly how you probably want it to look. So, that’s it for feature Friday. We’ll catch you on the next one. Thanks! Bye!

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